{trans key="snippet.snippets"}

{if $id} {/if} {form form=$form}
About Code Snippets

Code snippets allow you to add custom Javascript and CSS code (scripts) to your store without modifying the theme. While this feature has several uses, it’s primarily used to insert User and Conversion tracking code from third party sites like Google Tag Manager, Facebook, HotJar and more. Be sure to read the instructions provided by these sites before inserting your code.

{if $snippets}
{foreach from=$snippets item="one"} {/foreach}
{trans key="snippet.snippet_id"} {trans key="snippet.name"} {trans key="snippet.is_visible"} {trans key="snippet.priority"}
{$one.snippet_id|htmlspecialchars} {$one.name|htmlspecialchars} {$one.is_visible|htmlspecialchars} {$one.priority} {trans key="common.edit"} {trans key="common.delete"}
{if $paginator->prevPage} {else} {/if} {if $paginator->nextPage} {else} {/if} {$paginator->itemsFrom}-{$paginator->itemsTo} {trans key="common.of"} {$paginator->itemsCount}
{trans key="snippet.no_records"}
{/if} {include file="templates/pages/snippet/modal-delete.html"}