Account Home | {$msg.account.my_profile} | {$msg.account.my_address_book} | {if $enable_payment_profiles == 'Yes'}{$msg.account.edit_payment_profiles} | {/if} {$msg.account.my_orders} | {if $enable_gift_cert == 'Yes'} {$msg.gift_certificate.checkBalanceLink} | {/if}{if $EnableWishList == "Yes"} {/if}

{if $display_mode == "manage_wishlist" && $wish_lists} Mange your Wish Lists {elseif $display_mode == "edit_wishlist"} {$} {elseif $display_mode == "add_wishlist"} Add a new Wish List {else} {$msg.wishlist.pageHeader} {/if}

{*** WISH LIST DISPLAY PAGE - LISTS ALL WISH LISTS ***} {if $display_mode == "manage_wishlist" && $wish_lists} Your wish lists are below. To add a new wish list, please click here.

{assign var="productCount" value=0} {foreach from=$wish_lists item="wish_lt"}
{assign var="productCount" value=$productCount+1}
{/foreach} { *** END WISH LIST DISPLAY ***} { *** WISH LIST DETAIL PAGE ***} {elseif $display_mode == "edit_wishlist"} {if $wishlist_data} {*{$}

*} {if $wishlist_data.wishlist_products}
{assign var="productCount" value=0} {foreach from=$wishlist_data.wishlist_products item="product"}
{$product.title}{if $product.attributes}
{if $product.out_of_stock == "No" || !$product.out_of_stock} {$msg.wishlist.addToCart} {elseif $product.out_of_stock == "Yes"} {$msg.catalog.out_of_stock} {/if}
{assign var="productCount" value=$productCount+1} {/foreach}
Add wishlist to cart | email wishlist
{else}You don't have any products in this wish list yet. You can use the 'Add to Wishlist' buttons on the product detail page to add them.

Manage Your Wish Lists {/if} {/if} {elseif $display_mode == "send_email_form"}
Want to send your wish list to a friend? Simply fill out the form below and we'll take care of it for you!



{button class="button-send-wishlist" text=$msg.buttons.buttonSendWishlist file=$smarty.template} {elseif $display_mode == "add_wishlist"}

{button class="button-add-wishlist" text=$msg.buttons.buttonAddWishlist file=$smarty.template}
{else} {if $wl_message} {$wl_message}

Manage Your Wish Lists {else} You don't currently have a wish list set up. Please add one below and you can start adding products to it.


{button class="button-add-wishlist" text=$msg.buttons.buttonAddWishlist file=$smarty.template}
{/if} {/if}