
The Literacy Empowerment Foundation is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) tax-deductible, non-profit organization that was founded in 1999 to help young readers.

Make a Donation

With a donation of $39 you can get these books into the hands of 20 children.

Donate Books

The Literacy Empowerment Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, that distributes brand new books and supplies to hundreds of thousands of children across the country.

Our Programs

Our Programs

The Literacy Empowerment Foundations programs offer children, parents, and teachers low and no-cost books to help solve the problem of book ownership in the home and address reading fluency at the earliest levels.

Teachers and parents find that our book collections are designed to help them find the perfect fit for every child regardless of the reading level.

Gift Of Literacy

The Literacy Empowerment Foundation is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) tax-deductible, non-profit organization that was founded in 1999 to help young readers. Since our founding, we have distributed tens of millions of free and low-cost books to children all over the United States.

Matching Book Grant

The literacy Empowerment makes available a Matching Book Grant, wherein a school will receive one free set of books of their choosing for each set they order. These sets are now offered in both English and Spanish. This is a limited time offer that requires no special screening or applications. Matching Book Grants allow your school to double its purchasing power. These Matching Book Grant collections consist of 144 books per set. There are collections which consist of 1 copy each of 144 different titles, and other sets which consist of 6 copies each of 24 different titles.

Reading Resource Project

The Reading Resource Project is an ongoing program that runs throughout the year. The program distributes high quality, softcover books for Read Across America Day, National Drop Everything and Read Day, Children's Book Week, International Children's Book Day, and other Literacy Programs. Reading Resource Project books are 100 book sets. Any literacy based effort qualifies for these books. You do not have to be a school or teacher. Reading Resource Project books are available in a limited quantity on a first come, first served basis. Each 100 book set will contain a variety of at least 10 different titles. Recipients merely pay shipping, handling, and administrative costs, which is only $0.88 cents per softcover book ($88.00 per set of 100 books).

Early Literacy Assistance Program

When resources permit, the Literacy Empowerment Foundation offers very cost effective reading resources through our Early Literacy Assistance Program. These collections contain 102 softcover books. Each set contains 6 copies each of 17 different titles. These 102 book sets are available for $149.00 on a first-come, first-served basis.

Book Collections to Take Home

Dr. Joyce Epstein, Dr. Timothy Shanahan, and numerous other scholars have conducted research studies over a 40 year period which clearly demonstrate that the number one indicator of academic achievement among students is parent involvement.

Parent involvement through a take-home reading program has been shown to be the best way for parents to help their young children become better readers.

The Literacy Empowerment Foundation will be devoting millions of dollars over the next few years to help the next generation of readers have the best literacy foundation possible! Our super cost-effective take-home reading collections along with free reading support downloadable materials will be a great help to you, parents, and your students. .

Free Author Visit

The Literacy Empowerment Foundation has secured funding to allow us to offer Author visits at no charge to schools. These complementary Author visits will be offered on a first come first serve basis, so please fill out an application as soon as possible.

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