
The Literacy Empowerment Foundation is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) tax-deductible, non-profit organization that was founded in 1999 to help young readers.

Make a Donation

With a donation of $39 you can get these books into the hands of 20 children.

Donate Books

The Literacy Empowerment Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation, that distributes brand new books and supplies to hundreds of thousands of children across the country.

Special Offer

The Literacy Empowerment Foundation has distributed millions of free books since 1999. Schools and literacy organizations have found that there is no better way to get brand-new softcover books into the hands of children who do not have sufficient reading materials.

RRP books are used in literacy events, classroom libraries, take-home reading programs, reading incentive programs, book giveaways, and Science of Reading programs.

Reading Resource Project books are 100 book sets. Any literacy based effort qualifies for these books. You do not have to be a school or teacher. Reading Resource Project books are available in a limited quantity on a first come, first served basis.

Each 100 book set will contain a variety of at least 10 different titles. Recipients merely pay shipping, handling, and administrative costs, which is only $0.88 cents per softcover book ($88.00 per set of 100 books).

Most sets are shipped within 2 weeks.



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